New Member Invitation 2016-17

Hola Culers!


The first game of the 2016-17 season is fast approaching!  We, at the Penya Barcelonista San Francisco, are very excited to spend another nail biting season with you, and the rest of the Bay Area’s Barça fans. Join us this season as we work to build our Penya and provide you with the best possible fan experience.  We’ve been working hard during the off-season to improve our member offerings. Membership for the whole season is just $20 and, as always, your contributions go directly to funding future events. As a Penyista this season you can expect:



PBSF Membership Packet

Official Penya Barcelonista San Francisco ID Card (we’re making our own cards this season)

Penya Pin

Official FCB Penyista Booklet



Significant discount on Penya T-shirts at events (new batch is on its way!)

Tax deductible membership fees (we’re a registered non profit)

Discounts on food or drink at our event venues

One free automatic entry in Penya raffles


Event Benefits

Starting with the first Clasico of the season, only members with official ID cards will receive preferential seating at big events. In addition, if you wish to continue enjoying the benefits of membership, you will need to renew every season. As a non-profit, your annual membership contributions go 100% to the running of our Penya.

Please register before November 15th to receive membership benefits for this season.


Charitable Giving 

Last season's gift of over $1000 to the Boys and Girls Club of SF was just the start! We will be holding raffles at all our big events with 100% of the proceeds going to local charities. We have lots of cool stuff to give away! Penyistes will receive one free automatic raffle entry each!


You can sign up to be a part of the Bay Area’s only Official Penya here

Join us for the first game of the season here

Thank you and Força Barça!

Matt Manson


Penya Barcelonista San Francisco
