Membership Renewal Reminder

Hola Culers,
This a reminder that the cut off date to renew your membership for the 2016/17 Season in time for the upcoming Clasico is: 

November 1st

Penya members receive the following benefits:

Preferred seating at the upcoming Clasico(s)
Discounts on T-shirts
Special Members Only Raffle
Official Penya Barcelonista San Francisco Pin
Official Penya Barcelonista San Francisco Membership Card

New membership cards will be handed out at the up coming Clasico (December 4th).
Even if you have signed up as a Penyista in the past and received a pin you still need to renew, otherwise you will not receive the above listed benefits.

As a non profit all proceeds from memberships and T-shirts go 100% to funding future Penya activities.

Sign up or renew on our website:

Thank you and Força Barça!

Matt Manson
Penya Barcelonista San Francisco