Hola Culers,
I am excited to announce a restructuring of our Penya Membership pricing model.
Effective immediately membership will be free of charge. Simply fill out the required information and you'll be a Penyista for 2018.
We at the Penya feel that to earn a yearly fee we need to be hosting regular get togethers for our members outside of matches. We will be putting on multiple social events throughout the year. Some of these events will be free to attend, some will require a small fee to attend. Penyistas will receive discounts on these events.
Sign up in the next 2 weeks and you'll receive your 2018 Penyista card from the Penya Barcelonista San Francisco. Your ticket to preferential seating at big games, discounts on merch and events. Penyistas who signed up last season will also receive their new 2018 cards. No need to re register.
Once we've established a regular calendar of events we'll begin charging again for membership.
Stay tuned for the first event coming soon!
Força Barça!
Matt Manson - President
Joe Dixon - Vice President