Black Lives Matter - Statement from your Board

Hola Culers,

Over the past two weeks, we’ve all seen, listened to, and participated in the protests in solidarity with our black community, members, and loved ones. As a Penya, we fully believe and support any cause that recognizes the rights of all people and their equal access to liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.

Our Penya is a family that welcomes all people. We stand with our brothers & sisters and echo the voices of those calling for equality in the United States and the world. We acknowledge unequivocally that systemic racism exists and scream the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many countless other black lives that have been lost as a result of these systems. Black Lives Matter is a mantra we proudly stand behind. We want it to be clear with all of our members where we stand.

In support of the BLM movement, we are making a donation to ACLU/NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. We have set up a GoFundMe page for any of our members who would like to monetarily contribute to help end these injustices. The Penya will be starting things off with a donation of $530 from our charity raffle funds. Rest assured that we will be taking every step we can to continue to educate ourselves and those in our communities. We support our members in the actions they are taking to help. If you would like to help and want to know where to start, feel free to get in touch and we will do our best to point you in the right direction.

Through this gesture, we hope to do our part in catalyzing the much needed change in our current system. We love all of you as we stand here in solidarity with you and hope for a better tomorrow, and Barca in our hearts. Also, do not forget to Register to Vote!

Please see below for links.

With much love, say it loud and say it proud! Tots Units Fem Força y Black Lives Matter!!


Your Board

Penya Barcelonista San Francisco